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Table 7 List of factors and their references

From: Assessing the performance of urban heritage conservation projects – influencing factors, aspects and priority weights

















Physical Aspect


Preservation of the historic built environment






Preservation of the urban pattern and issues of the historic city




Preservation of the overall style and features of the conservation area






Heritage authenticity and interpretation




Environmental enhancement




Spatial transformation of the historic built form






The compatibility of older land uses with new land uses




Adaptation of the historic quality of the mixed-use environment to modern conditions






Infrastructure improvement




Buffer zone treatment




Social Aspect


Residents’ living standards







The community of low-income residents should be retained










Supporting strategy for low-income residents when relocation is unavoidable








Low-income residents are protected from the impact of gentrification










Public participation














Public and private initiatives






The maintenance of public openness during the decision-making process







Social cohesion



Tourism and the host community





Economic Aspect



Economic needs







The economic viability of conservation







The funding system




Financial support







Taking advantage of private and public resources




Land value and taxes







Special tourist interest




Consolidation of the urban economy






Cultural Aspect


Enhance the sense of place and local culture







Retain significant meaning and associations with the community






Cultural needs




Conserving culture









The strengthening of indigenous cultural traditions and forms










Enhance identity and collective memory










Political Aspect


The power structure






Developing a community and culture-led agenda






The planning process










Relocation of residents




Incremental renovation




Policy agendas









Management of the heritage site






The generation and maintenance of political support






The orientation of development







Cooperation among the central government, the local government, NGOs, and inhabitants








Continuity Aspect


Environmental continuity







Ecological sustainability





Economic sustainability








Socio-cultural sustainability








Political Sustainability



  1. 1: Byrd (2007); 2. Easterling (2004); 3: Stubbs (2004); 4: Shin (2010); 5: Kwan (2010); 6: Ota (2010); 7: Techera (2011); 8: UNESCO et al. (2013); 9: Boussaa (2014); 10: Endere (2014); 11: Guzman et al. (2018); 12: Amin and Adu-Ampong (2016); 13: Seifolddini and Harris (2017); 14: Rasoolimanesh and Jaafar (2016); 15: Chen, Yoo, and Hwang (2017)