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Volume 1 Supplement 3

Global and Local Challenges in Non-Western Heritage Conservation

  • Introduction by the Guest Editor
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Past Is Not a Frozen Concept: Considerations about Heritage Conservation in a Fast Changing World


The paper introduces seven essays from China, Europe, India, Japan, South Africa and South America included in issue No. 3 of Built Heritage. It focuses on the necessity of a critical review of Western principles and methods of heritage conservation and suggests an approach open to different cultural models and practices. Concepts of history, memory, authenticity are analysed and some new issues originated by massive migrations and urbanisation processes examined. Heritage conservation is seen as an opportunity for developing post-Western/non-Western theoretical models, methodologies and practices.


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Ceccarelli, P. Past Is Not a Frozen Concept: Considerations about Heritage Conservation in a Fast Changing World. Built Heritage 1, 1–12 (2017).

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