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Table 4 Residents’ cognition after the transformation of Digang Food Street

From: Study on the adaptability of traditional architecture in agricultural heritage sites after tourism intervention—a case study of Huzhou Digang Food Street in China

Residents’ participation in tourism

Cognition and willingness to protect after transformation

Specific context

Study tourism

Focus on education and experience; concentrate on the core elements of the agricultural heritage system, such as agricultural production, historical development and traditional knowledge and techniques.

The establishment of Yusang Culture Research Institute has led to the development of courses in ecology, folk lore and intangible cultural heritage, and organised students to experience farming life in farmers’ homes.

Inheriting traditional skills

Recognise the value of traditional skills; willing to protect and inherit them.

I had no idea that our old skills like silk reeling and making tea are now of great use, because of the fish farm and the food street, we have this job...I will teach these skills to others.

Material supply

Inheriting traditional agricultural production method

The fish in the mulberry pond are different from other places. Now we sell our fish and vegetables to the fish farm and the street. The price is much higher than the original, and we will try to keep it...

Sales only

Lack of awareness and willingness to protect

Everyday I sell some mulberry fruit cake, mulberry leaf crisp. In addition, I have a fixed wage.

Catering only

Identify the related elements of agricultural heritage system, but no conservation awareness.

Tourists like to eat special cuisine like pond fish and Chen cuisine. They ask me the difference between the fish here and other places, and I explain it to them...